
Photography as a career

I've got a confession to make: I've had a Live Journal for EIGHT YEARS. No seriously, I really have. I got it senior year in high school (well now that just makes me feel old) back when you still had to get an invite code to get one. Kinda like Gmail in the beginning. It was mainly to vent the frustrations of a high school senior, but I've actually mostly kept up with it through the years and now it's really fun to go back and venture into my past. I do it often when I'm feeling nostalgic. Or bored.

Today I was perusing in April of 2004 and I've pinpointed the exact day I decided to be a photographer.

April 29, 2004:

"On another note, we had our critique in photo today and everyone loved my pictures I put up. ^__^ It made me feel really good about my photography skills. I think I might want to explore this a little more. I don't know how viable it is for the future, but I really really love it, and I'm doing pretty well on my own without help from the teacher."

How neat to be able to go back and see the very day I decided to do what I do! It's been a long process, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

And because blog posts are no fun without pictures, here's MY senior picture; how I looked when I first made that journal. :) (apologies for the bad scan, I scanned it when I was like 19 lol)



awww... our lyss is soooo cute!!!

Unknown said...

Guess that camera as a graduation present was a good idea!

Melissa Koehler said...

Look at how adorable you are!!